John Michael is:
- A military historian
- A published author
- and
- A professional photographer
Born in South River, New Jersey, he is now living in the Washington DC area. John Michael has traveled extensively across the United States and around the world. In his spare time, he likes to explore new restaurants and experiment in the kitchen with new recipes. Ask him about his Cuban black bean soup … it’s outstanding and yummy too!
John Michael and the Military Focus
For over two decades, he has focused on the United States military’s service to the country and has photographed the final honors at Arlington National Cemetery. From these photographs, an outstanding tribute is crafted – a memorial book of the ceremony that becomes a family heirloom.
When asked about John Michael, a noted Washington, DC-based military historian responded:
“He’s an athlete – with a natural talent focused on photography and over the years, his experiences have honed his outstanding skills. His photographs evoke a passion and deep emotion.”
His photography is unmatched and provides a vivid experience that expresses the true meaning of the content – the photographs reach out to you and draw you in with a vividness beyond imagination. This immersion into the US military community has sparked a passion that complements his photographic work.
Special Forces Association Membership

Chapter XI – National Capital Region has extended membership to John Michael for his outstanding support and contribution to the Special Forces community.
John Michael Becomes a Published Author
In 2011 he researched, wrote, and published the FIRST BOOK about Fort Myer – “Images of America – Fort Myer“. This was followed in 2015 when he published a book about Fort Lesley J McNair – “Images of America – Fort Lesley J. McNair”
Each book contains over 200 historical photographs that chronicle the history of these two US Army posts in the Washington DC area.

Images of America – Fort Myer

Images of America – Fort Lesley J. McNair
Other book projects are in the works.
His mission is ongoing –
“Preserving the memories so others will remember…” ™