John Michael – at the Army Strong Experience

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Army Strong Experience?

A Chance Encounter or Fate?

Relationships are very important in this world especially when one is riding solo because of my decades of sales experience in the commercial sector, it was easy to build a network of contacts among the social internet spaces of Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin.  It was amazing to see the assortment of connections that resulted from “reaching out and touching someone.”

One of the remarkable connections was the commander of the United States Army Accessions Command which went from virtual to in-person and beyond.

United States Army Accessions Command?

The United States Army needs high-quality people to function and provide defense for the country and wherever they might be deployed. “Military Occupation Specialties.” The Army has around 190 MOSs available for enlisted Soldiers. Through the Accessions Command, the army introduces them to people attending events around the country.  The command is organized to include the following units:

  • The Golden Knights – the Army’s Parachute Demonstration & Competition Team
  • U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit – An elite unit of soldiers skilled in the use of firearms
  • Exhibition tents and tour vehicles to tell the United States Army Story

After meeting with the Colonel, John Michael was considered an influencer for the US Army, and an invite was forthcoming to the

Army Strong Experience

An interesting & exciting week at Fort Meade, MD during the US Army Strong Experience

About 35 business, government, media, and academic leaders from across the country came out for the event that began Monday and concludes Thursday.

The event included a keynote address by Secretary of the Army Pete Geren who completed a tandem parachute jump with the Golden Knights.

Army Strong Experience

Secretary of the Army is congratulated by one of the Golden Knights after a successful tandem parachute jump during the Army Strong Experience at Fort Meade MD

Army Strong Experience

Penni Todd Hansen, with the California Department of Education, completes her tandem jump with the Golden Knights, The U.S. Army Parachute Team. The team provided civilian leaders the opportunity to jump as part of the Army Strong Experience at Fort Meade, MD

Army Strong Experience

John Michael Kupik, assisted by Lt. Col. Dan Hodne, commander of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit, fires a round during a 9mm event during the U.S. Army Strong Experience at Fort Meade, Md., June 2, 2009. The event showcased several skills events


Army Strong Experience
One of the many semi-trucks that crisscross the country with the US Army displays


Images of America – Fort Myer is a pictorial chronicle of the first one hundred years of history containing over two hundred photographs, maps, and images.  Beginning in the 1860s and carrying through the 1960s it provides a view of what was over time.  An autographed copy of the book can be purchased at BUY THE BOOK.

images of america fort myer, Inc.



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